In the Pursuit of Wellness

Workplace Culture, Career advise, Leadership Hannah Mijovski Workplace Culture, Career advise, Leadership Hannah Mijovski

This checklist will tell you if you're happy in your job.

For most of us, we spend more time working than not. That can sound a bit depressing but what if you really enjoy the sense of accomplishment, the camaraderie, the impact you leave? Well, it doesn't have to be all bad. That being said, I bet you've had at least one job where it has left you feeling none of those things and actually feeling quite disheartened or even unhappy.

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I am not broken

Burnout used to be my best friend.

In 2019, I quit my job to set up my own company. Before long, my life became a cycle of overwork, overwhelm and collapse.

I got fatigue and exhaustion, severe anxiety, chronic gastro-intestinal issues, and physical injuries from overwork.

I gave myself a repetitive strain injury in my right arm, from shoulder to index fingertip. My doctor warned me I could get lifelong nerve damage.

So I hit pause. Rested a bit. And then I fell straight back into burnout.

Again and again and again.

Burnout made me feel broken.

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An unconventional productivity hack

I’m going to talk you through an unconventional productivity hack. Doing non-work related activities during the working day.

Does the thought of that make you panic at the thought of the 'catching up' you'll have to do later?

Try not to freak out just yet. Let me explain in a little more detail.

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The mindset shift that will change your life

If you are reading this, then you are about to be challenged. Stick with me.

I want to prompt a mindset shift within you that is going to make things more pleasurable and generate greater results.

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You will fail if you don’t do this.

Vision boards are about two things. Clarity and intention. You don’t have to make a pretty looking board but I would implore you to take some time to get clear on what it is you want from the next 12 months. You can literally do this at anytime; in fact life often throws such unexpected curve balls that it is beneficial to update one’s vision to accommodate. And your intention is a commitment. It is the investment that you are ready to make in yourself, your life…. your happiness.

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Why your self worth affects your goals

Your relationship with yourself affects your ability to see goals through to completion. If your self worth is low, how will you truly believe you are deserving of that success you long for? Here is how you can improve your self worth and your chances of achieving your dreams.

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