If you are reading this, then you are about to be challenged. Stick with me.

I want to prompt a mindset shift within you that is going to make things more pleasurable and generate greater results.

 Instead of thinking “I have to”, try “I get to”.

A short sentence with big impact. Think about it. If you can view your life as an opportunity rather than a drag, that is going to make it so much more pleasurable.

My career catapulted forward when my spiritual mentor told me that I need to be of service in the work place. (I have a blog post about this here.) I had always rocked up to the office thinking that they were lucky to have me there. I’d answer my emails, do the urgent tasks then mosey on home feeling shit about myself. When I had the epiphany that actually work is a contractual agreement and they are paying me for a service, things changed. I accepted that it was an opportunity each and every day to manifest the type of person and the life that I truly desired. The problem was I didn’t think I was worthy of any of that hence the poor work ethic at that time.

If you believe you are worthy and turn your thinking into “I get to” imagine the power…

Scroll down for powerful mindset flips.

When you hear these thoughts arise, you have the opportunity to change the narrative, and how you experience the activity you’re about to embark on.

I have to go to work and endure the tediousness that is my job.
I get to have another opportunity at creating impact through my work today.

I have to go for a run. Ugh!
I get to move my body - what a privilege.

I have to deal with the disappointment of being me.
I get to do the next right thing and manifest my best self.

I have to cook another meal for my ungrateful family.
I get to cook a nourishing meal for my family as a demonstration of my love to them.

I have to get up tomorrow and do it all again.
I get to live in an age where we have advanced medicine, where mental health is de-stigmatised and I’m encouraged to dream big!

You can teach your brain new tricks. The areas (beliefs and actions) used frequently grow in density and size. This is neuroplasticity. The more often you opt for this mindset, the easier and more natural it will become.

Try it out for 24 hours! Journal how it made you feel. I guarantee your day will feel lighter, brighter and like a privilege to have lived.

Manifest Your Dream Life E-book
Sale Price: £10.00 Original Price: £20.00

An unconventional productivity hack


You will fail if you don’t do this.