A is for… Adulting

You know those memes about trying to maintain a social life, get a promotion, water your plants, see your grandma, workout, eat right, maintain a relationship and contribute to your pension being an impossible struggle? I know how that meme-maker feels. And I bet you do too. The good news is, I have some great tools, some are practical tips, others are more heart centred, to help us keep those many, many, balls in the air without losing an eye if one does happen to fall. I learned these lessons the hard way, but I don’t want you to.

In 2017 as I tried desperately to keep all my balls in the air, I collapsed for the fourth time in six months, and this time I didn’t get back up again. I was bed ridden for the best part of six months, and in and out of a wheel chair for the following two years. I had pushed everything to the limit, burnt the candle at both ends and taken my health for granted.

I am still extremely ambitious and love to work hard. I’m really proud of my work ethic and my vision and am prepared to put in the hours to get what I want out of life. But even more so than my career, I prioritise my physical, mental and spiritual health. Without health, I can’t work anyway… so it has to come first.

The experience of having my whole world ripped from underneath me when I was supposed to be in my prime was extremely humbling.

So much so that it ultimately led me to founding my company and striving to help other people prevent burnout or to get out of it. I really believe if I can pass on what I’ve learnt, then going through the devastation of my illnesses and burn outs was worth it.

Succeeding at life

Regardless of whether you love your job or you do it because it is a means to an end, there are a number of ways that you can find satisfaction and joy in your day to day life. Here are a list of easy to implement tools for you to try.

  1. Create a morning routine.

  2. Be of service even in a small way.

  3. Pay a complement to a stranger… then give one to yourself.

  4. Just do it. Whatever it is… Just do it!

  5. Eat nourishing foods and step away from your desk to do so.

  6. If you’re a fast walker, walk one block slowly. Whatever your pace, look up. Marvel at the butterfly or the robin.

  7. Listen to music if you usually listen to a podcast. Listen to a podcast if you usually listen to music.

  8. Stop being the ‘boss’ when you get home. Here you are just wife, mum, best friend or uncle. They don’t care that you’re important in the office. Change up your tone.

  9. Outsource! If you can afford to alleviate something from your to do list, do it.

  10. Read. Every day, read a few pages. Each year you will be infinitely more well read, interesting and wise.

Career Goals

My career actually sky rocketed after going through a life threatening illness. Odd timing? … Actually, no. I had to rebuild from the ground up and I made sure to be thoughtful and thorough this time.

I found my why, my values and my purpose.

I learnt how to be effective and efficient, not busy.

I realised being of service gave me power - it made me an empowered person with a solid self-esteem (not a fragile ego).

Today I work with career people who are ready to succeed in all areas of their life. You no longer have to pick one. I do this with 1:1 coaching, corporate programmes, workshops and masterclasses. However I realise that not everyone can commit to 1:1 sessions, nor does everyone have bosses who want to invest in their teams in this way.

That is why I am launching The A Club.

To democratise access to these tools.

The A Club

This is the membership club where you get access to group coaching, masterclasses, Q&As, bountiful resources and community. Read any self-development book (literally any) and you’ll learn about the power of connection. It is so impactful. Which is why I thought, ‘what better than to connect like-minded people (myself included) as we trudge the road to a happy destiny?’.

Being validated and seen in our experiences takes the sting out of our hardships. Other people who get it have the power of bestowing that gift.

I’m going to share more about what is on offer in the club soon, but if you are already interested you can read more by clicking the button below.


Sign up to the waitlist now to keep abreast of the club updates.

If you are on the waitlist you are in for the chance to win a giveaway, free 1:1 coaching or a free membership for 12 months!


How to be of service in life and at work


Morning Routine