Morning Routine

There are SO MANY reels and TikToks about morning routines! Are there even as many mornings in the year as there are routine reels? The word ‘routine’ sounds very disciplinarian and like hard work. But that is not what I am here to talk about.

I prefer to look at how we utilise our mornings to serve us. It is between you and you. It is not performative, it doesn’t need to be cute, it only needs to work for you. Even if you are a parent or a care giver, in fact especially if you are being of service so much throughout the day, you can create a morning routine even if it is for 20 minutes. I am going to first break down the benefits of ceasing the opportunity that mornings hold, then tell you a bit about my experience and finish up with what I refer to as blocks from which you can build your routine. Then to conclude I will share the commitments that those who attended my morning routine workshop made with each other for the week (including mine!) and encourage you to make yours!

The Benefits of a Morning Routine

1. Mindset

Life can be hard. I want to acknowledge that upfront. I get it, it is not always easy breezy cover girl vibes. Sometimes we are contending with some really tough stuff. Other times we have set our sights on something ambitious (I thoroughly encourage this!). Alternatively we are in a really beautiful, positive chapter and, my friend, we need to absorb the hell out of it! You know what will help you in all three scenarios? Having a positive mindset. Pretty difficult to have one of those when you’re running late, are hungry because you had no time to eat and feel a bit inadequate because you shoulda washed your hair but ran out of time… and you can forget getting ‘centred’ before work!

Honouring your commitment to your morning routine will deliver you a positive mindset.

2. Mood

Keeping positive is easier said than done. Even when there is nothing really that bad happening sometimes we just feel a bit… funky (and not in a 70s kinda way, more ‘I’m in a funk’ - y). But let me tell you… it is hard to be in a baseline bad mood when you’ve nourished mind, body, spirit before you leave the house. This is a result of reducing the cortisol and other less than pleasurable hormones inside of us. Winning.

3. Physiology

Speaking of cortisol… do you know about the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems? Maybe you’ve heard these terms thrown around before. In (REALLY) simple terms: the sympathetic nervous system is what triggers fight or flight in danger or stressful situations. Think adrenaline, cortisol, the full works. Anxiety, panic, fast heart rate etc. The parasympathetic nervous system owns rest and digestion. It is restorative and regulates blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing patterns. We have to actively engage this sometimes. I know I do. The building blocks below will all engage the parasympathetic nervous system. You’ll feel physically better for it. Trust me.

My experience with mornings

has been convoluted. I used to get home at 7am when I started work at 9. It wasn’t a good look and moreover was totally unsustainable. On the days I’d gone to bed at an appropriate time I woke up, still feeling like crap, and *crawled* to work. After my extreme, chronic burnout and auto-immune illness I gave my mornings a makeover. Then came lockdown… monotony, claustrophobia, lack of stimulation… I made an effort to enjoy my mornings as much as humanly possible before I became glued to my desk. That was when this all went next level for me. Despite starting work at 9:30 and my office being in the room next door to the one I woke up in, I would get up at 6 and have literally three whole hours to hang out with myself and do all the life affirming actions I’ve listed below. It was dreamy! And kept me mentally well and a reasonably nice partner. Now life is a bit more… full, but I still manage to hold space for myself before the busyness ensues. I appreciate it is a privilege but I truly believe it is possible for most of us. (Examples at the end for those who are particularly time poor.)

The building blocks.

You will unlikely ever have a morning where you can do all of these! It would surely be the afternoon by the time you got through them. The idea is you can choose a myriad of different combinations to construct your morning on any given day using these blocks.

1. Wake up gently by getting a better alarm clock

Blasting harsh alarms causes physical stress on your nervous system like it is in danger, igniting the fight / flight response. Not a nice way to wake up! You know that feeling, you’re thinking of it now, I know you are. And it feels more like UGH than, Aaahhh.

Try a Lumia Alarm Clock (other brands are available, here it is cheaper on Boots for my UK people). These gradually increase in light like a sunrise hitting the brightest point at the time you set your alarm for. Then a gentle song starts playing quietly gradually getting louder. If the light hasn’t woken you then you can trust that the sound will. Your body gets the benefit of gradually coming out of sleep.

2. Meditate, honey!

It alleviates stress and anxiety by reducing cortisol and epinephrine, which ties into all of those glorious benefits I mentioned that the parasympathetic nervous system delivers. It also improves whole-brain synchronisation, which improves creative thinking, learning, focus, attention and even our memories! Wow, that sounds good. I use Insight Timer because I am not so enlightened that I can meditate in silence. I like to be guided.

3. Get yourself a Journal - then use it

My favourite block :) Your journal is a magical place. It offers the time to reflect and to dream. What went well? What do you want to achieve next? I also use it to track consistency in a loving way. And for me it is where I do my own version of gratitude lists (they aren’t so explicit but I write out everything positive that happened in a day). It’s bloody gorgeous! Do it!

4. Don’t forget to… Breathe

This is kind of like meditation but for your lungs. They have similar benefits but if you struggle having an empty mind try focusing on your breath. You can also use this technique at any point throughout the day to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Breath in for 4, hold for 7, exhale for 8.

5. Top 3

While you have your pen out.. get your to-do list out of your brain and onto paper. You don’t need to carry that heavy load. Let the paper (or app) do that for you. I highly recommend choosing 3 things you want to accomplish that day, and putting only short, quick reminder tasks in your longer list. Here is an example:

1. Compose and schedule newsletter

2. Write the plan for new business pitch and map out slides

3. Sort out desk drawers and create filing system

a. Book next PT session

b. Pick up parcel from post office

c. Reply to Miranda

d. Send pictures to Yasmin

e. Send invoice

Doing this before bed means you will sleep better as you’re not stressing that you might forget x, y, z (I can’t be the only one that does this.) When you are executing your nourishing morning routine you won’t be constantly worrying about what you need to get done because you know what’s on the list, you’ve got a plan, you’re going to do it with a full cup imminently. Doing this as part of your morning routine means you come to the start of the working day primed and ready to go.

6. Move baby!

There are so many ways to move, but wake your physical body up with whatever way you prefer, just make sure you move. Work out, walk, stretch, yoga, Pilates, HIIT, run, PT, Gym, dance in the kitchen while making brekkie…

Also if you can, especially if you live somewhere warm think about being barefoot on the ground in the morning (and / or evening). This lets all of the electric magnetic frequencies (we get these from being around electricity all day, even just wifi in the air) exit your body and transfer into the ground. So good for your system, and your mind cos it feels nice to earth in that way.

7. Nourish the biggest organ you have - your skin

This one feels luxurious no matter how you choose to do it. Creating the time do have a skincare routine is absolutely divine. The ritual of choosing the product and of touching and caring for your face and body is sensual and enriching. You can also body brush (read Gwyneth’s advise on it here). I find moisturising my body every morning (not just when I’m wearing a skirt) makes me feel like I’m killing this adulting thing and that I’m just on point!

8. Choose what you put IN your body wisely

I don’t drink caffeine anymore but I understand some people bloody love the stuff, and that’s totally okay (in moderation). But may I ask of you that you don’t have it as the first thing you ingest? Have some water. You could even try a gut drink like the one I use from Your Super. Wait a beat for your coffee.

Hydration is so key. Research shows that there is increased neuronal activity in dehydrated people when engaging their brains, which essentially means that dehydrated minds have to work harder than usual.

9. Break your fast

Thinking further about what you ingest, try to be intentional about your breakfast. Sit down and eat it with out working - no computers. Read something, listen to a pod / the radio, or chill with your own thoughts. Be mindful as you eat.

Again, Don’t eat first first thing. Let your body wake up. But DO eat! Plus, breakfast food is the most banging of all three meals so why deny yourself of that deliciousness? And speaking of delicious, choose something that is also nutritious.

10. Can you curate your commute?

I wonder if you can get to work with a bit more outdoor time? Maybe you could get off the train / tube / tram one stop earlier and walk a bit further. Can you hire an electric bike? Make the most of the non-rainy days! See the sky before the office ceiling. Get outdoors. Mother Nature misses you!


On the workshop I held this weekend we each made a commitment to one another of what we would try to implement this week.

Mine was meditation (a constant battle for me). The others committed to stretching, buying a new alarm clock, journalling and getting up a little bit earlier.

And that’s just it, if you are starting from scratch with constructing your morning routine, please don’t try and do it all at once. Make incremental changes. Get up 20 minutes earlier this week and add in one block.

An example of my mornings:

6:00am - wake up (can’t scroll because phone is in the other room), drink water
6:15am - wash my face, brush teeth (and put sunscreen on if going outside next)
6:30am - go for a run / do a HIIT
7:30am - shower, do a pretty light skincare situation, but I do it
8:00am - drink gut feeling powder while cooking breakfast
8:15am - eat brekkie in the kitchen (not where my desk is), scroll, reply to personal messages
8:40am - journal, ah, my happy place
9:00am - breathe, and make to do list, tidy up, put my eyebrows on incase of Zooms
9:30am - formally start my day

An example of a much quicker morning:

6:00am - wake up and stretch in bed
6:10am - count 10 things that went well yesterday and set intention for the day in your mind, like ‘I will see the beauty in everything around me. I will seek awe.’
6:15am - meditate for 5 minutes
6:20am - body brush, shower, moisturise, do breathing technique in the shower

See! C’est possible! 4 blocks in 20-30 mins. Mind, body, spirit.

What commitment will you make to yourself this week? Which block will you gently incorporate to your routine? Remember, progress not perfection.

Top Tip!

I highly recommend choosing your routine the night before or, even better, plan them for that week on Sunday. Don’t try and design it on the morning itself because you’ll get distracted and time will slip away while you’re deciding what comes next. Get your trainers out if you’re gonna work out. Buy the ingredients for your breakfast the day before. Find a pen that works to journal.

Enjoy your beautiful mornings.

P.S. Copy and paste the below list onto your notes on your phone for reference.

  • Wake up gently with the right type of alarm clock

  • Meditate

  • Use breathing techniques

  • Journal

  • Get your to do list onto paper (and out of your head)

  • Movement

  • Skincare

  • Drink water first

  • Have a mindful breakfast

  • Curate your commute


A is for… Adulting