Welcome to The A Club


Take a weight off your shoulders.
I know it has been heavy.
You’ve found your hope.


This is where you will learn the tools to thrive professionally and personally.

You will become more effective, efficient and productive, but most importantly, lighter and happier.

We will relieve you from that heavy burden you’ve been carrying on your shoulders.

And you might even become… self-actualised.

Meet your coach!

Hannah is the founder of The Actualisation Academy and will be leading The A Club. She is on hand to support you throughout and has lived experience with every single topic that will be focused on each month.

Is it for me?

Self development, learning and growth are an integral part of your ambition.

Your professional life and your personal life are in conflict and causing friction and pain for you.

Other areas of your life are suffering because you are working so hard or because your work is so unfulfilling.

You want to enjoy and nourish other areas of your life, not just your work.

Your stress is unmanageable. You feel it in your body, mind and soul.

You are experiencing or are scared to reach burnout. You are serious about learning to care for yourself.

You know there are better ways to be productive! It is time to get rid of toxic positivity, and say hello to positive productivity. You want to learn how.

You identify as ambitious but are struggling to be accountable and are not satisfied with the results you are seeing from your output.

You are keen to find community to support you along the way.

You want to learn more about C.A.R.R. Commitment, Accountability, Reliability and Responsibility.

You are ready to succeed in purpose and value aligned work!

What’s in the club?

  • Enjoy monthly online masterclasses that cover a plethora of topics (scroll down for next 6 months) that will help you with positive productivity and realising your vision. These are an opportunity to learn new tools and philosophies that will help you turn the lifestyle you so desire into a reality.

    Members have ongoing access to the recordings.

  • If 1:1 coaching is not a commitment you are ready for, or it is not in your budget, then group coaching is the perfect opportunity to be guided and learn from other’s experiences too. These are 60 minute sessions held monthly where you can raise an issue that Hannah will coach you through. You’ll learn through other people’s questions too.

  • Do you have something that has been sitting on your to-do list for weeks? Or maybe there is something really urgent you need to fire out?

    Every week on Monday we share our commitments for the week on the private Voxer group. This is where you will get community, connection and encouragement. It is not another WhatsApp group that you have to worry about! I promise!

  • We don't have to do this alone. In fact, we were never meant to.

    Join a community who will inspire you and support you as you trudge the road to a happy destiny. As a member you will be invited to a private group where you can interact with others who are struggling and thriving in the same areas as you.

  • As a member of The A Club you will have direct communication with Hannah that private 1:1 clients have too. Via the community or directly on email you can seek personal guidance or counsel from Hannah.

  • Hannah creates bespoke resource packs to different subject matters pertaining to the context of The A Club. Furthermore she regularly shares exciting resources straight to your inbox as she herself discovers them or feels they will be relevant to the issues being raised in the group.

    As a member you will also get access to all past masterclasses and Q&As.

  • As a member you will receive discounted or free access to paid for resources, products or live events held by The Actualisation Academy.


Upcoming monthly themes

  • Work life harmony

  • Actualisation & Meditation

  • Positive productivity

  • Growth mindset

  • How to switch off from work

  • Self esteem versus ego

  • Daily routines

  • Time management


Have your say!


What topic do you want to have covered next? Is there something you are desperate to solve, or really struggling with? How can we conquer burn out together more quickly?

Send your suggestions below.