Step One is Self Worth and with a deep knowing of our worthiness we are then able to move onto Step Two and look at our Values & Vision.

What are values?

Values are individual beliefs that motivate you. They serve as a guide for your decision making, life choices and behaviour. A value is indicative of what is most important to you and of your priorities. They may be linked to your moral code, conscience and ethics.

The importance of values

Knowing what we truly value becomes our inner compass and allows us to make decisions that align with our spirit and our calling. There is no right or wrong with what we value but it is an honest depiction of what is in our heart. 

Sometimes society or outside noise can distract us into thinking we need to direct all of our energy and focus on something that actually isn't value aligned. By doing the work and having clarity on our own values we are given the privilege of being equipped to quickly decipher what is for us, and what is not. 

Different cultures have different values that they uphold. On the quest for true actualisation I encourage you to disconnect from those that we have be prescribed from childhood and ask yourself what fits you as an individual. To sustain personal integrity and self esteem we need to be truthful with ourselves. 

Quick decisions

Once enlightened and aware of your own priorities, you will find your intuition speaks much more clearly, assertively and loudly. Making decisions is no longer a push or pull. You simply ask yourself ‘is this value aligned?’.

Uncover yours

There is a free workbook that supports you to figure out exactly what your values are on the website. Simply make a free log in via the button below to access it.

Your vision

This is your north star. Your values are your compass and your goals are the steps you take on your journey, but your vision is your north star. A vision is different to a goal.


Your vision becomes your why.


Taking time to find the picture of the life you really want for yourself will help provide direction. It is integral to be the driver in your own life and not passively let the days and years roll past if you are to feel satiated.

Sit in quiet. Turn inward. 

Imagine your life in 5 years. Start from the moment you wake and live out every hour of the day until you're back in bed at night. Envision the rooms of the home you move about in. Smell the scents that surround you. Listen to the rustling and the stillness. Feel the temperature of the air and the weather on your skin. Taste the nutritious food that you pepper the day with. Go deep. 

The pursuit of the vision

If you don't take the risk of pursuing the life you actually want, you risk living the life you don't want.

Which is more comfortable. It is safe.

As humans we'd rather stay with the dissatisfaction of the misery we know, than take a risk and potentially experience more intense misery...

but then we miss out on the potential to experience more joy.

To become actualised.


Step One: Self Worth