What it really means to be of service.

This week I hosted the first group coaching call for the SOAR programme - and it was major. I can’t actually believe that I get to work with such incredible, visionary women who are willing to be vulnerable and open in the name of growth.

An interesting conversation came up so I thought I would delve into it further here. I want to talk about being of service and what that truly means. As women, we often do so much extra unpaid labour in our daily lives, both in the workplace and at home. Therefore, the words 'being of service' can be difficult to swallow, but let me explain what it really means and why it is so important.

To be of service is to let your light shine bright. Denying your true calling or playing small means denying the world of your unique expertise and brilliance. We were each made differently, purposefully, so that we can contribute in a special way. This means there is a diverse spectrum of skills across the collective. The world needs your unique perspective and ideas, and you deserve to share them.

A real life example

I have a dear friend who had a clear and distinct vision. It was to create a fully inclusive, modern adult store. She knew exactly why this needed to be actualised and the positive effect it would have across a myriad of communities. Her take on pleasure is totally different to everything else on the market. But on her mission to create this sexual sanctuary she and her business / life partner faced a lot of challenges. So much so that they found themselves unable to open and trade for 6 months having already signed a lease. That means they paid rent for six long months with zero income. There was a moment when her faith in her work wavered - was this one hurdle too many? Should she continue?

Thank God she did. Through the lens of being of service and sharing our unique skills, to abandon her vision would have been selfish and she would be denying people of a safe space to connect with themselves and their partners in a deeper way. She was designed for this work and owed it to the world to push through despite it being hard. Since opening my darling friend has invited people of all genders and sexualities from their twenties to their seventies into her shop, High Tide, and catered to them with sensitivity. She displays copies of The Body Keeps The Score next to vibrators, and holds life drawing classes in the shop at night. It is totally as unique as she is - in the most fabulous way possible. Check out their roaring success in the newspaper here and on cult aussie site here. Imagine if she had given up on her true calling and not been of service in this way. Being value aligned can only achieve greatness. Trust me. I see it everyday.

What it is not and what it is

However, being of service is not about giving at the cost of your well-being. It's about nourishing yourself and showing up at your best so that you can give to others from a place of abundance.

Remember, you have to put your oxygen mask on first in an emergency, or you literally cannot help anyone else (because you won't be able to breathe).

Similarly, you have to prioritize your well-being and show up as your best self so that you can give to others from a place of strength and vitality. I understand that certain groups of women carry a heavier intersectional load, and being of service may seem like an impossible feat. I want to emphasize that being of service is not about doing everything for everyone. It's about showing up in your unique way and using your talents and gifts to make a positive impact. Let your light shine bright. So, how can you show up as your best self and be of service?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Embrace your uniqueness: Don't shy away from your individuality and strengths. Pursue your calling, honour your purpose and be yourself. Use your unique perspective to make a positive impact in your community.

  2. Prioritise your self-care: Take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. This will help you show up as your best self and give to others from a place of abundance.

  3. Set boundaries: Saying no is a powerful act of self-care. Learn to say no to things that don't align with your values or that drain your energy. (Have you done the work to clarify what your values are? If not, I have a pdf for you. Hit reply and I’ll send it over for free.)

  4. Use your talents for good: Identify your unique talents and find ways to use them to make a positive impact in your community.

In conclusion, be brave and be of service.

As always, I'm here to support you on your journey of personal and professional growth.


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