A podcast recommendation

I am a big fan of Tim Ferris, author of global phenomenon ‘The 4-hour work week’ and host of renowned podcast, ‘The Tim Ferris Show’. 

His brain works in a fascinating way. I don't resonate with every episode (indeed, I don't listen to every episode - one must be discerning after all), but this one I truly did. 

Tim interviewed coach extraordinaire Matt Mochary who has a gentle way of guiding you (me, Tim, etc.) through strategic thinking. His energy was really warm and even though this is an incredibly long podcast episode (I love long ones, ngl!) I devoured it in one go. 

The title is: Live Coaching with Tim, Why Fear and Anger Give Bad Advice, How to Perform Personal Energy Audits, The Power of Accountability Partners, Delegation Tips, Strategies for Hiring the Right People, and More

The latter part of the title goes into advice for leaders but actually it offers a lot of actionable tips for how to be more hireable - and this applies to anyone, at any stage! If you're an entrepreneur it can also apply to meeting potential clients, partners or shareholders. 

I highly recommend this podcast episode. I know if you subscribe to this newsletter then you're invested in self development and consider yourself ambitious in some way. I imagine you're also at least mildly intrigued by coaching… so I've no doubt this will be as interesting for you as it was me. 

Let me know what you think!


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