If you're feeling wobbly, read this.

How to make your habit stick

Last week I wrote about how we need to consider the context when forming a new habit. 

Well, this week I am going to support you in imbedding these habits that you decided to refocus your attention on because it is January. And kudos! Arbitrary as it may be, there is an energy that we may as well cease at the start of a new year. But by this point in the month, the momentum is waring off.

Have you given up?

Statistically speaking, most of you will have dropped off with something by now. But we are here for effective change. We want actualisation. So let’s recalibrate.

Here is a quick strategy to support you in your journey. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Did I really want that goal?

  2. Am I behaving like the kind of person who does that goal?

  3. Have I seen results yet?

  4. Integrity.

Okay, so the last one isn’t a question. It is a reminder. But let’s start from the top.

Is the goal you’ve set coming from a place of abundant self worth or a place of seeking external validation?

The goal matters. Not all goals are equal.

Not great goal:

I will workout 6 times a week

Great goal:

I am a healthy and active person


Not great goal:

I will quit my job by March

Great goal:

I do purpose aligned work that financially supports me


Great goal behaviours:

What would a healthy and active person do when their alarm goes off?

Great goal behaviours:

What would a purpose aligned person do about finding their next job?


Now… point 3.



The truth is, any new goals you’ve set this year are unlikely to have delivered results yet. It just does take longer. That’s why consistency is so integral to actualisation. This is the really painful part though; motivation is waning. It can be hard and not fun anymore. The novelty has left you stranded. And no results?!

What’s the point?

Your life is made up of daily decisions and soon something will shift. New neural pathways are being created as we speak.

Act with integrity. Show up for yourself the way you want others to.

Maybe the people in your life don’t fully get why you want to do this. That’s okay. I am supporting you. I get it. It is a calling. It has been whispering at you for so long, and has gotten louder and louder. You can’t ignore it, anymore.

Embrace the cringe. Don’t wait for motivation. Choose consistency. Act with integrity. Show up.


The point I want to leave you with is to keep going. Push through the resistance. It WILL pay off. This is where discipline and consistency is going to serve you. You can do it.


Taking your growth to the next level

Do any of these topics resonate with you?

  • Self worth

  • Focus

  • Consistency

  • Actualising vision

  • Regulated and relaxed

  • Gratitude

  • Career

  • Overcoming stress

  • Motivation

  • Mindset

I have FREE affirmation meditations on all ten of these topics on the website. You can listen to these now.


Find your flow


Context matters