There's a big theme on the socials about disappearing for 6 months and coming back a whole new person. Where are they going exactly? Why do they want to change everything about themselves? And why would they want to do that with no support or connection?

Not really my vibe. For me, connection is the number one wellness pursuit. It fuels the soul. It is what makes a life beautiful. 

However I do see merit in setting targets and building momentum. In fact, in my SOAR programme I offer up a 90 day challenge to consolidate what we have learned serves us best. 


The 90 day challenge: 

  • Get outside for 20 minutes

  • Move your body for 20 minutes

  • Write one page

  • Sleep with your phone in another room

  • Engage parasympathetic nervous system

    (massage, touch, breathwork, skincare, however you like)

The awesome thing about habit formation is that when you really enjoy the benefits it turns from something you have to hold yourself to, into something you either do without thinking, or feel grateful you get to do. 

For example brushing your teeth - when we're kids it's a chore. When you're grown it is either something you do without thinking, or if like me you love freshly cleaned gnashers you're pleased you get to do it!

I now do 3 of those everyday without thinking. I feel crusty and incomplete if I don't move, get outside and care for my parasympathetic nervous system. I have had to adapt my non-negotiables since having a baby, but I still use my daily planner even if journalling is a bit of a luxury presently and my phone is my baby monitor so quite attached to that sadly. Alas, it's not forever.

 What I have added in recently is working for 30 minutes a day on The Actualisation Academy as I gear up to relaunch the SOAR programme. This one is taking real commitment, intent and focus. It is not easy to get done, even though it sounds like a short amount of time. There is always stuff to do and if you get an hour between the baby going to bed and you going to bed I don't always feel like grabbing my laptop but I feel so accomplished once this commitment is honoured. 

So, you are welcome to create your own combination of non-negotiables although I do recommend having touchpoints for mind, body and spirit. Do you think you could commit to adding 20-30 minute actions into your day? Choose the actions that align with the person you want to be. You don't need to become a whole new person, no matter what instagram says. But you can honour the aspirations your best self desires.

Want to be a calm person? Get outside.

Want to be a healthy person? Move your body.

Want to be a reliable person? Be consistent. 

With the start of a new month tomorrow, why not try 90 days. 

I'm on day 15 and have accomplished so much. You can too.


Need help being consistent? Sign up to the waitlist and learn how to do this and much more deep work around limiting beliefs in the SOAR programme.


Quick read: Productivity 002


Choose your words wisely